Friday, September 18, 2009

Gosh, have I been away this long?????

I can't believe almost the entire year has passed and I have not posted anything! SO MUCH to tell. Yes, God has continued to teach me as I WAIT on HIM.....wait patiently and wait quietly. The trip with Mom to St. Thomas was wonderful. Mom and I enjoyed ourselves (and our tans). What a blessing it has been to be able to take fun girl trips with my Mom!

I ended the school year worn out and nearly in despair! Or maybe, I was truly in despair. Anyway, it wasn't good. I was not in a good place....just struggling. God continued to put on my heart to pray.....THOSE WHO WAIT ON THE LORD WILL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH<>>>> So, I prayed, some days I prayed it outloud over and over. Believing in the power of the spoken Word...though I still felt weak and discouraged. I told God that I did not have it in me to continue homeschooling. Just plain ole tired and worn out. But I kept praying....and I want to report that HE HAS REFRESHED THE WEARY...just like He promised He would. We completed 8 weeks of school and God has given me the ability to do what He has called me to do. I have asked Him to do fill me with His Holy Spirit, and He has been faithful. Amazing, truly amazing. Our home has been peaceful and I am content!
That leads me to a few more things. Contentment! Another thing I have struggled with for so long. Yep, a grumbling Israelite you could call me. Not proud of that, at all. But I am learning to be content...learning that He is ENOUGH. And it's a good place to be.
There is so much I could say about what God has done in our marriage over the summer. Chuck and I truly experienced a miracle in our marriage. We are so excited about what God has done. He has brought us to a new place and it's very good! That is why we never give up....the best is yet to come. God can truly bring beauty from ashes as His power in our lives is lived out in His strength. I am slowly learning not to "strive", but only to "abide".
Waiting, it's hard. But God is so worth the wait. His timing in perfect! We are waiting in breathless anicipation!

On another note...I turned 38 last weekend. Just last night I went and bought some special toothpaste that is supposed to help remove coffee stains on your teeth. I wouldn't get the strips so many people use. I just couldn't bring myself to spend $30.00 on those things. So I opted for the $6.00 toothpolisher and toothpaste. Does this mean I am really getting older? First, the need for "retinol products", now whiteners for my teeth. What's next?