I have been studying the life of King Asa in 2 Chronicles 14-16. In chapter 14, verse 2 we read that "Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God." Asa was given the promise that God would be with him as long as he obeyed and followed God. Chapter 15, verse 7 says, "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." We are continually challenged to not give up in the work God has given us to do. I believe the enemy uses discouragement and our failures to try to keep us from following through with what God has called us to do. The enemy wants to distract us and keep us from finishing strong. But God wants to restore us when we fail, but whether or not that happens, is up to us.
2 Chronicles 15:17 says, "Asa's heart was fully committed to the Lord all his life." Yet, in chapter 16, Asa has a failure. He relied on man and not God. Therefore, he would be at war from then on as a consequence of trusting in man more than God. Asa then becomes angry when faced with his sin and he refuses to turn to the God who had been with him and given him victory in the face of his enemies. He becomes sick and even then refuses to seek help from the Lord.
As I was studying over this I began to discuss it with my husband. Asa's heart was fully committed to the Lord, yet when he failed he became angry and refused to deal with his sin. He never repented and therefore, he was never restored. Was he disappointed in himself for messing up? Was it pride keeping him from admitting his mistake and accepting forgiveness and restoration? I wonder.
David, on the other hand, was a man after God's own heart. He failed time and time again, but each time he repented and God restored him. I want to face my sin and failures like David. I can totally relate to him as an imperfect human with a desire to love God with all my heart, yet messing up more times than I can count. Failure is a part of life, but it is not final. God will restore us and redeem our mistakes, if we will humble ourselves and return to Him with a heart fully committed to seeking Him and obeying Him.
Restoration. It is good to be restored in the Lord. Therefore, I will not give up.
Oh, there is so much more to dig deeper into what God is saying here......But little boys and LEGOs await.