Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lots and lots of pictures! Here a couple from the boys playing in the water in Destin when we were at Dad's a couple of weeks ago.

Trace lost his front tooth last week and is now snaggletoothed:) Too cute! We were already in bed and the two big boys came running into our room celebrating. So out came the camera to catch the moment.

Last Thursday Turner was sick. The big boys were at Summer Spectacular and Turner found a LIZARD in my bedroom!!!!! A REAL one....and it was ON my BED. I was not about to catch the thing. Tolar and Trace were not home so I just did not go in there until they got home and found the thing. It was in a fake tree in our room hiding out. Thankfully the boys got it and released it outside! Both the lizard and I were happy:) How do these things happen, anyway?

Early Friday morning the stomach bug hit big time with Turner. Chuck and I got about 2 hours of solid sleep. The poor little guy was vomiting every 15 minutes for a couple of hours and then about every 30 minutes to an hour for a few more hours. It was a night! I was supposed to be heading out to Deeper Still (ladies conf.) in Atlanta at 8am. WELL>>>>> I had to get up and head to Wal Mart since Chuck would not be able to go with sickness in the I was leaving Tolar started vomiting! Got the groceries bought (lots of gatorade, ginger ale and pops as we call them). Then took Turner to the doctor and got some meds...enough for the entire family if needed. Finally, everything calmed down and was stable enough that Jana and I were able to pull out around lunch. We ended up meeting the group at Phillips Arena with plenty of time to spare. 19,000 ladies gathered to hear Priscilla Shirer, Kay Arthur and Beth Moore. It was a wonderful weekend. Jana and I needed a video camera to document our adventures. God was so good to us. We made the trip with no complications and ended up getting where we needed to be...with NO MAP. Praise God! Part of that included a 45 minute adventure of us trying to find our hotel in Buckhead. We decided to walk from Lenox Mall to the hotel. The hard part of that is that you cannot just cross over hwy you have to travel around your elbow to get to your thumb. We needed exercise and were not upset at all about our walk. It was a beautiful afternoon and thankfully still daylight. Finally, we ended up at the hotel and On The Boarder for some good mexican food. (I will say it was not so good at 2:30am!) I found myself up and walking the hall at 3:30 trying to find a coke to settle my stomach. I had to get on the eleveator and go down a floor to find a machine that worked. Thankfully, the coke helped. On Sunday we headed home (to my sweet husband who was holding down the fort in the midst of vomit and diarrhea). What a man! Yes, his wife did come home refreshed and challenged in her relationship with Christ. We will find at times that is will cost something of others for us to be where God calls us to be.

Turner went for his first visit with Dr Clay Wright (our dentist and friend). He sat there and took it all very seriously! Finally, it was his turn!

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