Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter Friends

Easter weekend was a special one.  My dad, brother (Spence) and I traveled to Florida to attend a wedding.  My flower girl, from my wedding 14 years ago, got married.  She is the oldest daughter of my dad's only brother.  It was an adventure....to say the least.  We traveled about a mile into the woods, past hay bales with balloons tied to them to get to the where the ceremony was held.  We were in a hay field sitting on hay bales!  The ceremony turned out to be beautiful, but we all had a few laughs because we didn't know what we were in for! I literally had to dig a stick out of my dress at one point.  Oh, and there was no need to put on my heels while we were in a field...I just wore my flip flops.  Overall, it was a fun day and a really nice wedding.

Easter was spent with family and friends.....eating, swimming and playing games!  So thankful for Jesus and what He did for us on the cross!

We have to recognize Turner who won the game ball last Friday night at his tball game!  He was 2 for 2....and that kids hits the ball (not off a T).  He also had 4 unassisted outs playing second base.  He is a good little player and loves it.

Chuck leaves for Honduras tonight after Turner's ballgame.  I hope you all have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two more things-

1) I forgot I had my personal account up :)

2) It is home thatlovebuilt (at) hotmail.com.
(spaced it out so you won't get spammed on your account by a bot)

Oh, and looks like the wedding was a blast. It sure sounds like one. I have wanted to go to a wedding like that in a while-all the ones I go to are the "standard" types.

Easter looked lovely, and the that is fantastic that he has done so well in sports. We are wanting to put S in sports this Fall or next Spring.

Anyhow, hope you have a great weekend!