Thursday, April 10, 2008


Right now I am just trying to make a complete thought in my head. I have not had a meal today (unless beef jerky and chocolate chips count). I get a little crazy when I am hungry so bare with me. The kids are trying to build a miniture zoo in the back yard and keep walking through asking for things like shoe boxes and scissors. Who knows! I did hear the sweetest conversation this morning between my 6 yr old son and 2 yr old son. Trace was telling Turner to pray for Jesus to come into his heart. He told Turner that you just pray and ask Him to and he will live there forever. He kept saying, "Pray Turner and ask Jesus to come into your heart, that's what I did." Trace said, " This is a Christian family and we want you to be a Christian, too." It was a precious conversation, but funny to hear. I am glad to know that atleast Trace is concerned that everyone in our family is a believer and has a relationship with Christ.

Chuck and I have committed to going to Central Asia in July for a mission trip. I am so excited. God amazes me at His goodness and provision. He calls us to step out of our comfort zones and look to Him with breathless anticipation at what He can do when we surrender and let go. Yes, leaving my children for 8 days will be hard...but I know God is calling me to trust Him... for everything....with everything....including my children. They are gifts from Him and He cares for them even more than I do. He will provide in every way. This I believe!

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