Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer Time

It's summer time and we are on the move. I guess having three boys and being blessed to be home with them is something to not take for granted. They are a handful most days...but I have the best job in the world. Oh and the things Ihear...
Just now Trace and Josh (the neighbor) are playing baseball on Wii. Trace says, "That's my dad up to bat." Josh says, "That's your dad?" "Yes", Trace replies, "He has girl glasses on." That is just funny to me... sounds like Chuck needs to work on his mii:)
Saturday we took the boys swimming at the home of an older couple in our church. Tolar wanted to go head first down the slide into the pool. Well, Mom here had to be the example...and go first. Afterwards Tolar told me I was INSPIRING:) Just hope the Sanders were not looking out the window as I lay sprawled out on top of that slide. Not to mention that Chuck did not think there was enough water flowing and hooked the swim noodle up so it would spray additional water on the slide and mom could make it down.
Still pluggin along with my running. Finally making about 25-30 minutes on the treadmill. I am amazed that I can easliy do 20 minutes and really even enjoy it. Just DON'T put me outside and I'm okay. Saturday morning I went to the gym and was all by I tried out some of those weigh machines. I am going to try to start adding a little strenght training each week. Right now I am still happy if I make it to the gym three times a week. But every littel bit helps, right?
I don't think I ever wrote about our beach trip recently. WHEW. Three boys. Three days at the beach. Late nights. Early mornings. Lots of hours in the pool. One Parent! Really it was fun, but I was tired. Our first night at Dad's they stayed in the pool FIVE hours. I am so glad they love the beach as much as I do. It's my favorite place to escape. It was fun to get to see Dad, too. He was working an antique show so he was really busy, but we got to hang out at night and eat dinner by the pool.
We left Chuck at home. He had Steve over Thrusday and Friday night to play Tiger Woods Golf on Wii. Then Saturday he played the Robert Trent Jones trail with 3 Chris, Tommy and Eric. After golf, Chris came home with him and they played Golf on Wii until the kids and I got home late that afternoon. THEN on Sunday night I got up after midnight and Chuck was NOT in the bed. I found him in the family room PLAYING TIGER WOODS GOLF on the Wii!!!!! He enjoyed his time with friends and getting play golf. It was a good Father's Day for him. Now, DON'T ask him about the ACTUAL day of Father's Day. He had a TIRED, Hormonal Wife who had just returned from 3 days of nonstop activity with the boys.....I will let you just imagine how pleasant I was;) Sleep (without a 3 yr old on top of me) did improve my disposition. Atleast Chuck had a few days of fun. He deserves more...he's a great guy.
I leave Friday for Deeper Still in Atlanta...and Chuck will have the boys all weekend. Pray for him. He is such a wonderful dad....he puts me to shame, really.
We leave for our trip to Central Asia in three weeks. I am so thankful that God is giving Chuck and I the opportunity to do GO together. I do want my kiddos to be safe and happy while we are gone....but I have to keep my eyes on Jesus and trust all the details to Him...He is BIG ENOUGH.

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