Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

It's hard to believe it's 2009. Just yesterday we were all scurrying around to save water and food in preparation for Y2K and Tolar was not yet a year old. Now here we are 10 years later. Where did the time go?
Reflecting on 2008. It was a good year. God, again, blessed our family and did amazing things in our lives. For me, some are very personal. God's Word for me at the beginning of 2008 was that I was to forget the past because He was doing a NEW THING. And HE did! That is a personal process, but God showed me through His word in Isaiah 55 that "Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. WHere briers grew mytles will sprout up. This miracle will bring great honor to the Lord's name; it will be an everlasting sign of His power and love." I have seen God work this verse in my life. He has healed me and changed me, thus allowing him to work in other areas of my life as learned to truly forgive others and understand my identity in Christ.
In 2008 we saw God provide every penny we needed for Chuck and I to travel with a missions team to Central Asia. That was AMAZING...that fact that God provided and He sent us together. If He calls you.....He will provide and enable. He is faithful. So many times I hear people say they can't afford to go on mission trips. Well, we didn't have the money either, but we trusted that if God wanted us to go, He would make a way. And He did! Chris Powell, an amazing servant in our Sunday School class, sent Chuck last year. He has already presented Chuck with another check funding a trip for this next year. Chris realizes how important his part in missions is, he can't be the one to travel, but he can be the one to make it possible for some one else to travel. Chris is on misson! We are so thankful for his obedience to God and willingness to GIVE. It just blows us away! God is amazing. We are praying now for the team Chuck will take with him in April, Lord Willing.
In 2008 God blessed us with the opportunity to start camping. That has been so much fun for our family and we look forward to more family fun this next year. We already have 3 trips on the calendar. Grandaddy has been so wonderful to let us use his RV. He said he bought it for his kids to enjoy (since he does not camp). We are loving it and are thankful.
In 2008 we took lots of trips to Grandaddy's place at the beach. The older boys both started swimming this past year. We, also, visited all of our friends with pools over the summer so that they could be in the water often. Tolar has become the best swimmer. Trace is still learning, but had made great progress. Both of the boys also started tubbing on our lake trips. That makes mom so proud. I love the water and love seeing the boys enjoy it, too. Turner, likes to play in the lake water and shallow swimming pools. He's still afraid of deep water.
Overall, it's been a wonderful year and God has blessed our family. I know that I've seen God do new things in my life as I've chosen to forget the past and look to Him!

Starting out 2009.......So far in His word God has shown me Isaiah 46. In verse 9 he says, " And do not forget the things I have done throughout history. For I am GOD-I alone!" Reading on in that same chapter, God has more to say about what He WILL do....and what, I believe the future holds for America (Babylon, as I see it). We are not sure what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future. God's word lays out what will come, and He will do what He says He will do, and we need to be ready. Don't be surprised when disaster comes. God words promises that it WILL come as a result of our nation and world rejecting HIM as Lord and God. Remember what God has done throughout history (Is 46:9). That is our call from God for this time, REMEMBER..... He will fulfill His promises and Jesus WILL come back to take those who belong to him HOME. I'm ready, are you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl...enjoyed reading your entries to do know that its not "camping" in an RV, right? (just have to kid!) But still a FUN adventure!!!

Your encouragement from Scripture is great - thanks for sharing!
love you! jd